Useful information
Taxi Services
There is a taxi (mini cab) service at Stowmarket station (Stowmarket Cab Co - 01449 677777) or alternatively a pre-booked local executive service from rural taxi firm, Village Cars 2020 (T: 01379 210420 / E:
Village Cars 2020 ordinarily recommend 48 hours notice and payment can be made using a credit or debit card over the phone with their office or by cash direct to the driver. The following are provided as a sample guide to fares from Beyond the Barn to various local destinations; Eye (£25.00 ), Framlingham (£29.00 ), Stowmarket (£25.00).
Furthermore, Village Cars 2020 can offer a personalised collection and/or return service, from any part of the UK mainland to Beyond the Barn.
Whilst we sincerely hope you never need any of these, we thought it useful just to share. The nearest A&E is Ipswich Hospital and Bury St Edmunds hospital. There is a defibrillator for the community at Wetheringsett Village Hall and also outside the Co-op in Debenham.